Meta & Google Ads

Increasing monthly trialists x24 for the world's first streaming service for spas

How we helped Myndstream grow their new customer acquisition.

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Health and well-being


Meta & Google Ads



Myndstream is the world’s first streaming service for spas, with music designed to deliver health and wellbeing outcomes that elevate the spa experience. We started working together in October 2023, with the goal of acquiring qualified trialists for their subscription service & establishing a viable cost per trialist through Meta & Google.

Project Execution

Building from scratch

This was the first paid campaign the company had launched, so we put together a strategy from scratch. We turned this around quickly, launching campaigns within a couple of weeks.

Being the first campaign they had run, there were no learnings to feed the essential machine learning algorithms that power ad accounts. In response, we started with simple campaigns gathering the much needed insight to feed the algorithm, & progressively shifted to more sophisticated & effective bidding algorithms as soon as we had sufficient conversion data to do so.

Dealing with generic searches

In Google, we were challenged by the fact that most relevant searches (e.g. “spa music”), were from users wanting to listen to spa music, not searching for music to play in their spa.

To account for this, we targeted keywords such as “music for spas” over “spa music”, with the knowledge that Google would understand the difference in intent between these two phrases, & match with the most relevant searches.

When looking at search terms, we could either choose to exclude all searches like “spa music”, & focus only on the higher intent “music for spas”, or allow all of these searches to match with our keywords, & use efficiency targets to guide Google’s algorithms to the most relevant users. 

We opted for the broader targeting option, as it would be more scalable.

Ad copy testing

We used RSAs (responsive search ads) to input multiple different headlines & descriptions to our Google ads, allowing Google to choose the combination of copy most likely to lead to trialists.

Monthly, we would review which ad copy Google was favouring, remove the poorest performing ad copy, & add in new variations to test. This allowed us to continuously improve our ads, & provided insights on which of our unique selling propositions our audiences were most drawn to. These insights were then used to inform Meta ads, & shared across the business.

Creative testing

We started by casting our net wide, testing multiple different messages & creative styles. We quickly found a winning formula & doubled down on this style, getting more granular & specific with what we were testing within this structure. 

This testing also allowed us to better understand our audience persona, with these insights shared back across the organisation.

Remarketing audiences

We tested relevant first party audiences and their lookalikes, along with web & social remarketing audiences to build an efficient funnel.

Business-wide reporting

For all our clients we build Looker Studio dashboards to report on performance from the ad platforms we manage. In addition to that, for Myndstream we built a bespoke, business-wide dashboard which uses Hubspot data to show customer lifecycles and lifetime value in real-time.

This report improved Myndstream’s internal reporting efficiency, & increased visibility on performance within the organisation. 

We also used this report to understand the impact of our marketing holistically, which is becoming increasingly important with the restrictions to online tracking & attribution.


Since working together, trialist numbers improved significantly, with 60% driven by our channels:

This resulted in monthly trialists increasing x24. 

Next Steps

Now that we have established a viable cost per trialist through Meta & Google, the next steps are to understand & improve the conversion rate from trialist to subscriber. We will explore how ads can be optimised to focus on the most promising potential trialists, & nudge users to convert post-trial. Beyond this, ads could be used to engage subscribers & encourage retention, & we’re keen to expand into new relevant advertising platforms like LinkedIn.

Do good, better

If you’re an ethical B2B tech company like Myndstream, or a subscription brand - we would love to work with you. 

Get in touch below to see if we’d be a good fit.