Meta Ads

Growing subscriptions +558% YoY for the UK’s leading climate tech platform

How we helped Ecologi grow their subscriber base through Meta Ads.

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Climate Tech


Meta Ads



Ecologi is one of the UK’s leading climate tech platforms for businesses and individuals. Founded in 2019, we started working together in January 2020. At the time their main product was a climate subscription for individuals, families and businesses. The goal was to scale their subscriber base quickly, to get ahead of emerging competitors, but remain profitable.

Project Execution

The rebuild

We took over Ecologi’s Meta Ads account in March 2020, a month everyone remembers well. Initially, subscriptions took a hit as people across the country focussed on their immediate concerns around COVID and lockdown. We used this time to rebuild the account, building out a full funnel of prospecting and remarketing audiences.

Following the dip in March, the new structure resulted in a month on month subscription increase of 250% in April.

Testing, testing, testing

Having established the core subscription funnel, we started sequentially testing audiences, in particular prospecting audiences. These were a mix of lookalikes and detailed targeting audiences, including users who read liberal newspapers, sustainability champions, and people interested in climate charities.

Progressively we learned which audiences performed best and tested new ones, leading to steady month on month growth across the year, with each month becoming our new best month to date.

Capitalising on a cultural moment

In late 2020, David Attenborough released 2 documentaries on Netflix: “Extinction: The Facts” (September) and “A Life On Our Planet” (October). Both these documentaries really captured the national imagination when it came to the importance of protecting our planet.

We worked quickly with Ecologi to create a series of tailored ads that we served to a mix of broad & niche environmental audiences - the result was fantastic.

With no increase to CPA (cost per acquisition, in this case cost per subscription), we were able to scale monthly subscriptions 111% in September and a further 121% in October.

The end of the documentary hype and Christmas

After the highs of the documentary run, subscriptions naturally subsided. This combined with a general drop in subscriptions seasonally in November and December, especially around Christmas.

However, the year on year picture was still encouragingly strong. November to December subscriptions were up 672% for just a 14% increase in CPA.

Looking at a longer window, August to December, subscriptions were up 558% (Ecologi only began running Meta Ads in August 2019 so we can only compare year on year data from Aug - Dec).


We started the year spending a couple of thousand pounds a month on Meta Ads, generating 50 to 100 subscriptions a month.

Through a restructured funnel, iterative audience testing, and being reactive to cultural events, we were able to end the year spending tens of thousands and generating 500 to 1000 subscriptions a month - all within Ecologi’s target CPA.

Do good, better

If you’re a climate tech company like Ecologi - or a subscription brand, or possibly a charity looking to grow your regular givers - we would love to work with you. 

Get in touch below to see if we’d be a good fit.